ProcessHR Time & Expense Management

This module is comprised of Time and Expense Management. The system is useful for Associates or Contractors who must track and report their time and expenses on a regular basis.


  • Mobile device accessible
  • Generates online ‘timesheet’ and processes payroll to pdf format
  • Role based security and enhanced web security to avoid theft of consultant information
  • Quicker and less expensive audits – system logs edit and modification changes by User Login
  • Fully integrated with Sapta ProcessHR E-recruitment Applicant Tracking or can be used as an independent program.
  • Payroll processing runs automatically as a background service which runs the payroll for all employees based on payday for their pay type.
  • Reduce Administration / Manager’s time from manually using timesheets- Accuracy increases, Data entry errors are reduced, Input speed increases

System provides for tracking time at multiple levels including

1.Country – Corporate
2. Subsidiary
3. Division
4. Territory
5. Product Line
6. Location
7. Department
8. Function